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Collect Royalty Checks By Graduating
From Agency Owner To A Consultant

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Become A Business Consultant

Running an agency is pretty cool, but what if you could take things to the next level and become a consultant?

Think building assets, earning percentages of multiple companies, and collecting passive checks like the pros – Frank Kern, Russell Brunson, Brendon Burchard, & Gary Vaynerchuk. 

These business gurus have built their empires by consulting for a variety of companies, and now it’s your turn to join the ranks and reap the rewards. 



Start You Own Agency iCeleraite
Business Consultancy In Just 3 Steps:

We Will Teach YOU How To Run A

Sucessfull & Highly_Profitable

Business Consultancy....

Module #1

How To Legally Setup and Register Your Agency

This module covers essential legal requiremets of setting up & registering your business consultancy agency.

It guides you through the process of choosing a business structure, obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, and complying with the regulations

Module #2

How To Setup Your Payment Details And Start Recieving Payment

This module provides step by step guidance on how to set up payment and start receiving payments from your client.

We will tell you about the different payment options available, how to choose the best payment provider, and how to integrate payment system with your website.

Module #3

How To Position Yourself As A Professional Agency

In this module, you will learn how to position yourself as a professional business consultancy agency & command higher fees from your clients.

You will learn techniques such as branding, developing a unique selling position, and creating a professional image.

Module #4

Cold Email Domination Strategy

This module teaches you how to use cold email to generate leads & sales for your business consultancy agency.

Learn the essential elements of a successful cold email, how to personalize your email and how to optimize your email for maximum results.

Module #5

Irresistible Traffic Magnet System

This module focuses on how to attract more traffic to your website & generate leads for your business consultancy agency.

It covers techniques such as content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing & paid advertisement.

Module #6

Consultancy Scaling Strategy

In this module, you will learn how to scale yur business consultancy agency and grow it to new heights.

It covers the techniques such as hiring and training staff, developing a sales process , and expanding your services to new markets. You will also learn how to measure and track your sucess using key performance indicators.

Help Struggling Businesses
Grow Their Profits...

(We'll Even Show You How)

Sucessfull Business Consultancy

Completely Done For You...

STUNNING Done-For-You Website To Help You Land Clients

Take Up UNLIMITED Number Of Clients

Help Your Client Skyrocket Engagement & Generate More Profit Fast

Charge A Monthly Retainer

Charge Per Call/Hour

Sell Email Marketing Services To Client

Offer Services To Your Clients Using The
DFY Resources Inside Agency iCeleraite:

Completely Done For You...

Get The EXCLUSIVE Agency iCeleraite Academy

Agency iCeleraite - Academy

Collect Royalty Checks From The
Comfort Of Your Home

Alot of people…after losing their jobs due to the pendamic and its effects on the economies and business across the world…

… have started offering their services on platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancers & Social Media networks.

But the truth is…they are struggling today to get new clients because they lack: 

➡ Resources
➡ Skills
➡ Expertise
➡ Guidiance…

… to contact & close clients

With Agency iCeleraite you’re now in the perfect position to help them by offering the guidiance and resources they need to grow their business.

Help people across the world to run a profitable freelance or agency business.

Get paid the top dollar for your time  and for providing them with the resources that are completely done for you.

To Make The Deal Even Sweeter… We’ve Included These Fast Action Bonuses For Today Only:

High Ticket Agency Frameworks & Optimization Toolkit ($997 Value):

When you’re busy acquiring new clients and serving your current clients, it can be super hard to take time away to work on your internal processes.

But those internal processes can save money and time and help make sure that everyone can devote the most amount of time possible to doing their best work.

Viral Quotes Rocket:

Instantly download 200 done-for-you viral quote graphic templates to get instant targeted traffic fast.

You get viral traffic overnight and hassle-free customization in less than 60 seconds. You also get a Free Graphics report with VIP access, 10 mobile squeeze pages, and easy-to-follow video training.

An $889 value, and you get it for FREE!

How To Close High-Paying Clients

Closing high-paying clients has remained the "greyest area" in the agency line of business. This is because many times, you get an incredible tool that delivers a great service but getting clients becomes the problem...

So, we created this program; "How To Close High Paying Clients" to help you master the secret strategies used by top agencies, to start closing high-paying clients starting today, and how to hook them up on a recurring service.

Local Agency Business Team Showcase Software

This software lets you easily create, edit, and showcase you or your client's team members, staff, and any type of group on your WordPress site.


Don't decide right now.

But if even on the 13th day at the 23rd hour you feel that it’s not profitable or you don’t enjoy providing consultancy services…

Take advantage of my 14-day money-back guarantee.

Just try this for a full 14 days on me…

Help a few struggling Freelancers & Agencies… Get paid your asking price. Experience the joy of helping someone.

But if even on the 29th day at the 23rd hour you feel that it’s not profitable or you don’t enjoy providing consultancy services…

… simply drop a message at our support desk and get a full refund. No questions asked.

Get Instant Access To Agency Academy

Agency iCeleraite - Academy

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